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T hird European Missiology Conference 2006From August 24 th to 28 th - Paris |
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of the conference |
Post-enlightenment Europe : daring mission,
in a Europe in the process of construction
First part : context
Historical [& geographical] aspects
Thursday 24Th August 5.30 pm : Enlightenment, at the roots of present Europe in all its parts (East, West, North, South). Rather than a presentation of the historical period corresponding to the Enlightenment, it should point to the currents that emerged from it: Capitalism and Marxism, Democracy, the emerging self, the adaptation of the Churches and anticlericalism, etc.
François Bousquet (Catholic Institute, Paris, France)
1.2. Sociological & psychological aspects
Friday 25Th August 9.45 am : “From the 70s to the present days reception and crisis of the Enlightenment”
1.2.1. Individualisation and forming society [practices]:
Possible drawbacks will have to be tackled such as decreasing credibility of religions, institutions and politics, communalism or individualism, indifference, etc..
Grace Davie (University of Exeter, Great Britain)
1.2.2. Mutation of models [epistemology]:
Highlight a few major changes in world vision & knowledge theory, the role of experience and emotion with regard to reason, ….
Knut Wenzel (University of Regensburg, Germany)
1.2.3. Spiritual Values shared in Europe / the spirit or the soul of Europe
Then, in a world tending towards globalisation, which are the values which the Europeans believe in and share to-day? Pluralism & unity.
Tomas Halik (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
1.2.4. 11. 45 am : 2 counterpoints on the previous papers :
- Orthodox point of view: Anastasia Vassiliadou (Kalymnos, Greece)
- Pentecostal point of view: Allan Anderson (University of Birmingham, Great Britain)
2.45 pm : Roundtable with the morning speakers
Second part : consequences for the Churches
2.1. Ecclesiological and pastoral aspects:
Friday 25th August 4.30 pm : A first part should consist in an exposé which will analyse the effects of the Enlightenment on the different Christian Churches’organisation and practices in one European region.
Mechteld Jansen (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
5.30 pm: Two counterpoints by members of “foreign” communities in France : African and Orthodox
Majagira Bulangalire (Pastor, Cambrai, France)
Patriciu Vlaïcu (Romanian Orthodox priest, Nice, France)
6.00-7.30 pm : Participants will meet in language groups and analyse the case of other European regions using the model given by the speaker through her analyse.
Third part: What Mission?
3.1. Saturday 26th August, 9.00 am : transversal biblical study
Francisco Pérez Herrero (Faculty of Theology, Burgos, Spain)
11h30–12h30 : Missiological perspective : What testimony? What presence of the message? All the above questions lead to more theological et pastoral formulations towards a mission shaped mentality.
Kai Funkschmidt (Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland, Deutschland)
2.00 pm : review of the morning paper in language groups
Sunday 27th August, 2.45 pm:
3.2.1 Question 1: Mission shaped forms of presence – what kind? Where? How?
Darrell Jackson (Conference of European Churches, Budapest, Hungary)
3.2.2 Question 2: a Mission shaped Liturgy - What liturgy, what languages, what music? What new forms of ritual/symbols/expression can touch our contemporaries – especially the youngsters?
Andras Lovas (Gaspard Karoli Reformed University, Budapest, Hungary)
3.2.3 Question 3: What ministers, What ministries, What communities can answer those challenges? To be a Christian community before being a Church congregation?
Peter Lodberg (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
3.2.4 Question 4 : Mission in Europe and Universal Mission (reciprocity, partnership,…)
Elisabetta Ribet (Pastor, Waldensian Church, Palerme, Italy)
4.45 pm : Workshops
Fourth part: conclusion
Monday 28th August, 9.00 am
4.1. Counterpoint by a “major witness” from the South
Léonard Santedi (Catholic Faculties, Kinshasa, DR Congo)
4.2. Conclusion: towards a missionary posture of the Church (listening group).
4.3. Official closing
2.00 pm : end of the conference
Contact :
Third European Missiology Conference
Programme / Schedule
24-28 Août 2006, à Paris
FIAP, 30 rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris
Jeudi 24 Août 2006 – Thursday 24 th August 2006 :
From 14 h 00 : accueil - registration
16 h 30 : ouverture officielle – official opening / présentation des participants et de la session – presentation of participants and of the conference
17 h 30 – 19 h 15 : les lumières, aspects historiques (exposé de 50 mn + questions) /
the Enlightenment (historical aspects)
21 h 00 : présentation des publications et des revues / books and reviews presentation
Vendredi 25 Août – Friday 25 th August 2006:
9 h 00 – 9 h 30 : prière du matin – morning prayer
9h 30 – 9 h 45 : présentation de recherches – Research presentation
9 h 45 – 12 h 30 : aspects sociologiques et psychologiques - sociological and psychological aspects : trois exposés de 30 mn + trois contrepoints
14 h 30 – 14 h 45 : présentation de recherches - Research presentation
14 h 45 - 16 h 00 : table ronde – round table
h 00 – 16 h 30 : pause - break
h 30 – 17 h 30 : réception des Lumières par les Eglises aux Pays-Bas/ ecclesiological appropriation of the Enlightenment in the Netherlands (exposé de 50 mn + questions )
17 h 30 – 18 h 00 : deux contrepoints par des communautés « étrangères » en France (communauté africaine, communauté orthodoxe) – two counterpoints by « foreign » communities in France.
18 h 00 – 19 h 30 : groupes par régions et par langues – regional and language groups
20 h 00 – 22 h 00 : réception au Defap – reception at the Defap
Samedi 26 Août – Saturday 26 th August 2006 :
9 h 00 – 10 h 45 : Etude biblique
10 h 45 – 11 h 00 : présentation de recherches - Research presentation
11 h 00 – 11 h 30 : pause - break
11 h 30 – 12 h 30 : Quelle mission ? (missiological prospective)
Quel message, quelle spiritualité ? – What message, what spirituality ?
14 h 00 – 16 h 00 : Reprise de l’exposé du matin par groupes de langue – discussion on morning theme in language groups.
16 h 00-19 h 00 : visites dans Paris – sightseeing in Paris
20 h 00 : soirée libre – free evening
Dimanche 27 Août – Sunday 27 th August 2006 :
9 h 00 – 12 h 00 : culte(s) et visites – worship(s) and visits
14 h 30 – 14 h 45 : présentation de recherches - Research presentation
14 h 45 – 19 h 15 : Quelle mission ? Quatre interventions de 20 mn chacune + deux séries d’ateliers au choix (1 h 15 chacun) – What Mission ? Four 20mn papers + two series of workshops.
21 h 00 – 22 h 30 : réunion par association – associations meetings (ou groupes de travail)
Lundi 28 Août – Monday 28 th August 2006 :
9 h 00 - 9 h 30 : prière du matin – morning worship
9 h 30 – 10 h 30: contrepoint par un « grand témoin » des continents du Sud – « Major witness » from the South
10 h 30 – 11 h 15 : synthèse par le groupe d’écoute – synthesis by the listening group
11 h 15 – 12 h 15 : clôture officielle – official conclusion
14 h 00 : Fin - End of the conference